For those with recurring plans(pun intended)
Why create another calendar app when there are already so many available? How can it be better than established apps like Google Calendar or Cal? Recurring Planner was designed to address a significant issue I encountered while using Google Calendar - the absence of templates. With Recurring Planner, you can create a set of templates to accommodate different days in your life (e.g., University Monday, Quiz Week Weekend, Chill Sunday), all synchronized with your Google Calendar.
With recurring planner, you can create templates and apply them to the days on which you want to follow them
To access the hosted version of recurring planner go here
- Node JS (>16.13.1)
- Golang compiler (>1.19.2)
- Postgres instance
Currently the only way to use Recurring Planner is to host it on your own(Though i might host it sometime later). Steps to get RP up and running:
Clone the repository
git clone
Create two .env variables, one in the frontend and the other in the backend
For the frontend .env file add these fields:
#frontend VITE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your-google-client-id> VITE_GOOGLE_SCOPE= VITE_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:5000/api/auth
#backend POSTGRES_USER=<postgres-user> POSTGRES_PORT=<postgres-port, usually 5432> POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres-password> POSTGRES_DB_NAME=<postgres-db-name> JWT_SECRET=<your-jwt-secret> GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your-google-client-id> GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-google-client-secret> GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:5000/api/auth
To generate google clientId and secret token go to google developers console, create an application, give permission to the /auth/calendar,/auth/userinfo.profile and /auth/
For the redirect URI on the console, give http://localhost:5000/api/auth and the javascript origin as http://localhost:5000.
cd frontend && npm i && npm run build cp -R dist ../backend cd ../backend go get . && go run .
Go to your browser and type in http://localhost:5000
- Feel free to raise an issue in case you have difficulties getting it up and running.