first run this command on terminal-->: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process and then this one -->: ..venv\Scripts\activate
And follow this for all other langauges.
python --version
pip install langchain pip install pinecone-client pip install openpyxl pip install openai pip install python-dotenv pip install langchain_community pip install langchain-openai pip install docx2txt #to read word documents pip install unstructured pip install "unstructured[docx]" pip install "unstructured[pdf] pip install requests pip install fastapi pip install uvicorn pip install python-jose[cryptography] pip install motor pip install motor python-jose passlib pip install bcrypt
Git Commands for version control: git add . git commit -m "define commit" git push origin 'branch name' git branch----> to check current branch
To Run Server: uvicorn main:app --host --port 5000 --reload
pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain-pinecone langchain-openai langchain
Fast app:
To test end points on Swagger UI:
1 - uvicorn app.main:app --reload ---> Type the URL of your running FastAPI application followed by /docs. By default, the URL will be: swagger UI
To Run Backend: uvicorn app.main:app --reload To run frontend: python -m http.server 8080 URL: http://localhost:8080
http://localhost:8080/login.html http://localhost:8080/signin.html
To Run React APP:
backend: uvicorn app.main:app --reload frontend: