Escapade is a prototype of a mobile application created for tourists visiting London. This application picks up the location coordinates through a Web API when the user inputs their location. These coordinates then get concatenated to another Web API to fetch the requested information in a tabular format. We have built a database of users who sign up to this app and recorded their reviews for the places they visit as well as ratings for the application.
**Application Demo (Recording) -
Application requirements:
- Python Version: 3.10.4 or above.
- Required Installations:
- tabulate : pip install tabulate
- pandas : pip install pandas
- numpy: pip install numpy
- requests: pip install requests
- Please run the Mysql scripts to set up the Escapade Database on your machine and then executable files to see our application in action.
- To review the application code, follow 'Code_files/'+'Code_files/'+'Code_files/'+'Code_files/'
- The testing files are separately placed in the Code_files directory.
- Please refer to the project brief to understand the specifications, design and implementation.
We wish you enjoy your visit to London and Escapade serves you well.
Team Escapade :)