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Releases: ShprAlex/SproutLife

Flowers and Insects 1.0.0

18 Sep 19:53
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Cleaned up SproutLife for 1.0 release. Updated genome version to v1. Updated readme + tips.

Flowers and Insects 0.17.0

23 Jun 00:37
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This release introduces the "Angle Color Mode" which makes for a much prettier and more interesting visualization than the previous "Battle Color Mode".

There are also multiple improvements to saving, loading, and reloading the genome that allow creating battles and restarting the simulation from the same point to see the different paths that evolution proceeds to take.

Squid Wars 0.15.0

04 Nov 22:25
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Multiple improvements including:
1st pass at Saving + Loading Genome
Dark renderer mode
Improved competitive collision formula
Emphasis on organism tail patterns rather than cells
Parallel computation for faster multi-core processing
Reorganized GUI

Initial Release 0.12.1

13 Sep 19:05
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SproutLife source code and executable .jar