This repository provides the code for formation and plotting of the co-ordinates so as to form an 'A' when provided with an input = no. of bots.
The input is to be taken from command line as ./A 100 (100 represents the number of bots)
The A.cpp program calculates the co-ordinates of the bots and stores it in the file "f.txt".
The program takes the co-ordinates from "f.txt" and plots it.
The compiled code and the file for n=100 has been provided here. You can change it as you like.
The A.cpp program uses opencv, so compile it using the command provided below.
g++ -ggdb -std=c++11 pkg-config --cflags opencv
-o basename A.cpp .cpp
A.cpp pkg-config --libs opencv
To compile the program use:
And enjoy... :)