Releases: TRON-Bioinformatics/easyquant
Releases · TRON-Bioinformatics/easyquant
Code Refactoring:
- Improved code structure, readability and the documentation
- Fixed consistency between counts and read info table
- Improved test coverage by adding more unit and integration tests
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where bowtie2 multi-mappers were not properly counted as junction and spanning reads
- Improved and updated README
- Added snp_or_indel info into read info table
Full Changelog: 0.5.5...0.6.0
Release notes:
- Fixed secondary alignment output in bowtie2
- Added custom parameters for bowtie2
- Remove discordant reads from bowtie2 alignment
- Removed bwa from alignment tools
- Added option to omit singletons from re-quantification
- Added sanity checks for alignment files
- Added the following information to read info table:
- flag
- bp
- cigar
- total_mismatches
- Implemented an improved mode for quantification to reduce memory footprint
- Added Docker manifest
Known issue: Junctions reads that overlap the end of context-sequences are not properly counted
Full Changelog: 0.5.4...0.5.5
- Updated bowtie2 version to 2.5.3 in environment to fix segmentation fault
- Fixed counting issue for secondary alignments while using bowtie2
- Fixed BAM flag filter to not discard secondary alignments
- Updated bowtie2 alignment parameters to include multimapper and perform end-to-end alignments
- Fixed calculation of library size
- Add test sequences to test multimapping reads
- Added mismatches to read info output table
- Fixed bug in plotting script
- Created Python package
- Added cleanup step
- Added compatibility for BAM file input
- Added custom STAR parameters as commandline argument
- Added input read count file to output results
- Added intron retention detection using interval-mode and coverage output
- Added option to choose between different aligners (bowtie2, bwa and STAR)
- Added some configurable parameters to tune alignment output
- Removed unused code and made code more compact
- Reduced memory consumption during requantification step
- remove unused bash scripts
- update default config
- update README with GitHub-based install instructions