You want to recommend a movie to a friend based on the rating and popularity . To accomplish this do the following :
- Create a variable for the movie (choose any movie you like)
- Create a variable of type int to hold the rating of the movie out of 5 . Give this movie 3
- Create a popularity score of type float , let it be 72.65
- Using an if statement
- Check if the movie rating is 4 or greater and the popularity is greater than 80 , print "Highly recommended"
- else if the movie rating is 3 or greater and the popularity is greater than 70 , print "I recommended it . It is good"
- else if the movie rating is 2 or less and the popularity is greater than 60 , print "You should check it out!"
- else the movie rating is 2 or less and the popularity is less than 50 , print "Don't watch it. It is a waste of time"