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Unit 10 Overview |
Colin Madland |
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2017-11-24 06:49:50 -0800 |
Scholarly research reports can have profound impact on society. Thus far in this course we have been making the case that best practices are informed by the wise and judicious application of research findings to particular situations. Don’t miss the importance of adverbs “wise” and “judicious.” Plano-Clark and Creswell tell us that we should “read research to learn new knowledge about topics, to become informed on policy debates, and to find suggestions for improving your practice” (2010, p. 15). In unit 10 we will be bringing things to a close through several experiential learning activities.
Unit 10 is divided into 3 topics:
Topic 1: Issues of Credibility
Topic 2: Leadership Decisions Revisited
Topic 3: An Introduction to the Leadership Integration Project (LIP)
When you have completed this unit you should be able to:- Evaluate the safeguards that are in place to uphold the integrity of the research process.
- Critically reflect on the importance of evidence-based decision making for transformational servant leadership.
- Create a critical literature review.
Activity 10.1: Watch the video Battling Bad Science.
Activity 10.2: Reflect and prepare your blog post.
Activity 10.3: Read resources about the Leadership Integration Project and prepare a list of questions.
Blog Assignment: Complete the blog for this unit. Respond substantively to at least two other classmates’ blogs.
Assignment : Complete Assignment 5, Formal Literature Review.
Here are the resources you will need to complete the unit:- Goldcare, B. (2011, July). Battling bad science. [Video file]. Retrieved from
- Leadership Integration Project Manual
Go to Learning Activities to continue the unit.