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Unit 3 Overview |
Colin Madland |
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2017-11-24 06:49:51 -0800 |
The MA Leadership program uses the APA Manual (6th edition) as the model for formatting written work formally submitted. Unit 3 is devoted to helping you become familiar with some of the more common elements of scholarly writing and APA style.
Unit 3 is divided into 4 topics:
Topic 1: Developing Your Professional Voice
Topic 2: What is Scholarly Writing?
Topic 3: How to Write a Scholarly Paper
Topic 4: APA Citations and References
When you have completed this unit you should be able to:- Describe the importance of scholarly writing for leadership.
- Apply the basic rules of APA style which includes the structure and content of a paper, writing clearly and concisely, the mechanics of style, citing sources and formatting references.
- Create an APA style paper.
Activity 3.1: Read Chapter 1 of the APA manual and also the Appendix of the Plano-Clark and Creswell (2015) text. Watch a video and reflect in your learning journal.
Activity 3.2: Watch two videos and practice your formatting skills.
Activity 3.3: Watch a video by Dr. Hatala and review the checklist.
Activity 3.4: Watch a video by Dr. Hatala and take an online quiz.
Activity 3.4: Watch a video by Dr. Hatala and take an online quiz.
Blog Assignment: Complete the blog for this unit. Respond substantively to at least two other classmates’ blogs.
Here are the resources you will need to complete the unit:- American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Badke, W. (2017). Research strategies: Finding your way through the information fog (6th ed.). Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.
- Parris, D. L., & Peachey, J. W. (2013). A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 113 (3), 377-393.
- Plano-Clark, V., & Creswell, J. (2015). Understanding research: A consumer's guide (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Go to Learning Activities to continue the unit.