Synth is a development environment for building hypermedia applications that are modeled according to SHDM (Semantic Hypermedia Design Method). It provides a set of modules that receive, as input, models generated in each step of SHDM and produces, as output, the hypermedia application described by these models. Synth also provides an authoring environment that facilitates the adding and editing of these models through a GUI that can run on any web browser.
For more details see this publication: (full text download available). Here is a video of a demo of Synth:
Synth was built as part of the master thesis dissertation in Informatics of Mauricio Henrique de Souza Bomfim, at PUC-Rio.
It is in a very early stage; please be advised you may find some bugs when using Synth. Please report if you find any bug.
Install JRuby ( 1.6.8
Install Bundler
$ jgem install bundler
Install dependencies
$ cd /path/to/synth
$ bundle install
$ jruby --1.9 -S script/server
Open on your internet browser: http://localhost:3000
Open on your internet browser: http://localhost:3000/mira.html
Mira Docs:
- Locations:
$ cd /path/to/synth/public/js
- Path to edit your interface:
$ edit /path/to/synth/public/js/app.js
- RUN your application:
Open on your internet browser: http://localhost:3000/mira.html?app=app
On Windows and Mac OS, you can use Docker Toolbox:
this can take while.
$ docker run --name my_synth -p 3000:3000 tecweb/synth
$ docker stop my_synth
$ docker start my_synth
Considering your application is called my_app
$ docker exec my_synth tar -zcvf public/my_app.tar.gz applications/my_app
Create and application,e.g., my_app. Do not activate it (i.e., leave it as "false" in the apps menu).
3) Put your RDFXML formatted file (e.g., my_app.owl, as exported from Protegé) with the data in the Synth folder/directory.
Run the following command
jruby --1.9 -S script/import my_app.owl model=my_app format=rdfxml