Python scripts to download and view ERA5 climatologic data, as well as to extract time series (hourly to monthly data on many atmospheric and land-surface parameters)
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Copy the code with your personal key (see below), into the file "USER/.cdsapirc" (in Windows environment) (The file starting with a dot can be created using Notepad: "File> Save as> Type: All files> File name: .cdsfapirc"
key: {uid}:{api-key}
MONTHLY Precipitations, runoff, potential evaporation, evaporation, temperature and snow stock.
- Data:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land-monthly-means?tab=overview
- ERA5-Land Data documentation:
author: Loïc Duffar
Run cells in order :
- 1) Data download (only NetCDF format here, because more handy than GRIB format)
- IF the ERA5 file is already downloaded, start by the 2nd cell instead of the 1rst one
- 2) Customization, initialization and display netCDF file infos
- 3) Plot annual and monthly interannual average maps (and save to files)
- 4) Plot monthly time series (for one pixel and for a possible polygon), and export them to excel file
- 5) Annual maps animation (OPTIONNAL)
- 6) Montlhy maps animation (OPTIONNAL)
- 7) Plot Maps over 12 months for a specific year (and one month map with basemap) (OPTIONNAL)
Download, Mapping, daily/monthly aggregation and time serie extraction (from Copernicus "Climate Data Store")
HOURLY Precipitations, temperature, evaporation, runoff and other parameters.
- Data:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=overview
- ERA5-Land documentation:
author: Loïc Duffar
Run cells in order :
- 1) Data download (Download volume is limited by the server: you will have to adapt number of variables, the périod of time and the area and/or to split the request in several files)
- 1bis) Edit and run the 2nd cell, instead of the 1rst one IF the ERA5 file is already downloaded
- 2) Customization, initialization and display netCDF file infos
- 3) Plot maps by hour/day/month and interannual average
- 4) Plot and export dailly time serie for one pixel and for a possible polygon
- 5) Animation maps by month, day and hour (OPTIONNAL)
- 5bis) Animation maps by day and hour OVER A SELECTED PERIOD OF TIME. (OPTIONNAL: Use this cell instead of the one above if the navigation through the hourly data is difficult because of a file covering a very long duration; 10 years for example).