A very simple python stemmer for Polish language based on Porter's Algorithm
The result is the stemmed text od user's given input
It is possible to give a path to a file which contains a text manually stemmed by the user in order to evaluate the algorithm. Evaluation mode provides:
good - words which were stemmed correctly
bad - words which were stemmed badly
true positives - same as good
true negatives - sane as bad
false positives - stemmed words which shouldn't be stemmed
false negatives - words not stemmed but should be
-e Path to the file which contains text which users expects to be the result of algorithm. Also evaluates the algorithm.
Every abbreviation should be placed in a new line
-b Path to the file which contains words which should not be stemmed by the algorithm.
-f Debug mode - shows output with original word. If '-e' flag is given, prints texts in format: original|stemmed|expected
Usage: python pl_stemmer [-f] [-b blacklist] [-e expected_stems]