Double linked list data structure which can easily replace the C++ vector library XD.
Please save me trouble and support my project by citing my code, thanks.
Functions (DoubleLinkedList):
insertAt() ~Inserts an element at the given index by the user
removeAt() ~Deletes an element at the given index by the user
getSize() ~This gets the size (number of nodes) of the data structure
pushFront() ~Creates an element at the beginning of the data structure
pushBack() ~Creates an element at the end of the data structure
getNode() ~This gets the current node --- myVector.getNode(integer_position)
print() ~This prints the whole array
How to modify the node data:
// Declaras un nodo utilizando la clase inscrita en DoubleLinkedList Nodo* node = incidents.getNode(i); // Returns de whole node
// Apuntas a la variable miembro "data" string myNodeData = node->data; // Returns the node's data
// Actualiza el nodo en la lista enlazada con la información modificada si es necesario. node->data = incidentData;