The project is being actively developed. Backend URL and BEARER token will be needed shortly. Rename the file '.env.example' to '.env' and paste the values.
- Save your tasks
- Edit your tasks
- Delete your tasks
- Set Status of your tasks
- Set Deadline of your tasks
- Change task status from the main menu
- Store your tasks locally
- Internationalization support
- Navigator 2.0
- Added freezed
- Added Github Actions
- linter
- formatting
- Build (IOS, Android)
- Deploy to Firebase App Distribution
- Added Dark theme
- Added Firebase
- Added support for large screens
- Added support for lansdscape orientation
- provider
- sqflite
- intl
- easy_localization
- flutter_lints
- flutter_svg
- dio
- provider
- get_it
- Analyrics
- Remote Config
- App Distribution
- Crashlytics
- prod
- dev