I am trying to create the perfect twitter bot. Ofcourse what I have is not perfect, yet, but I am making it better every day.
Here is how you are supposed to use it:- First of all install python3 and install tweepy via pip.
Just fork my repository by clicking on the fork button, then clone the repository by clicking here.
If you don't understand what you just did, don't worry. You have just copied my code into your machine.
Now you can run it! Right? Well actually there is one more step. You need to create your own twitter app and get keys and tokens. For that first login into your twitter account then visit Twitter Application Management. Now generate your consumer key,consumer token, access key and access tokens.
You are almost done.
now create a file called credentials.py and here is what you are supposed to do, enter the below code into credentials.py:-
Now enter your keys and tokens in their respective locations. Make sure that you are entering the keys and tokens between the speech marks('your-keys-and-tokens-go-here')
For example if your customer key is 123456789:-
Fill the credentials.py file correctly and we are almost ready to roll.
Now you can use the bot to your liking.
P.S. Be sure to change my twitter handle to your in streaming_bot.py. Just edit the file and search for vedarthsharma and replace it by your twitter handle.