A Quora clone where questions are asked, answered, and edited by users.
- Auth account creation, guest access
- Logged in user:
- has (CRUD) access to Questions
- Create an answer to a question
- Add a comment to an answer
- Navigate questions by topics
- Update topics to any question
- Search:
- regular input will search by question
will search questions by:user:kari
- Postgresql
- Rails 5
- Active Records
- BCrypt
- jbuilder
- Nodejs
- React
- Redux
- jQuery
- db - Postgres
- web - Rails
- frontend - React
Passwords are secured using the BCrypt
gem to generate a password digest.
A user's login session is tracked by a generated session token stored in the database and on the client-side as a browser cookie.
def self.find_by_credentials(email, password)
user = User.find_by(email: email)
user && user.is_password?(password) ? user : nil
def password=(password)
@password = password
self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)
def is_password?(password)
def reset_session_token!
self.session_token = new_session_token
On user login a GET
request is made to a backend api.
The api response will be a consolidated json object. This shape will be used consitently throughout the application to maintain reliable redux store access.
469: {id: 469, answer_body: "Answering this question", answer_author_id: 390, created_at: "2019-08-09T17:54:25Z"}
325: {id: 325, answer_id: 469, comment_body: "Commenting on an answer", comment_author_id: 390, created_at: "2019-08-09T17:54:37Z"}
302: {id: 302, question: "Asking a new question", question_author_id: 390, topics: Array(0), created_at: "2019-08-09T17:54:10Z"}
42: {id: 42, name: "Judiciary"}
43: {id: 43, name: "Humanities"}
390: {id: 390, first_name: "Kari", last_name: "Kit"}
A right side panel contains a list of topics which directly corrispond to the topics defined in a question's topics
Clicking a topic will update the question feed.
Typing in the search bar will make a GET
request with the following params:
query = {
field: 'question',
value: 'data science'
///ajax request
method: "GET",
url: `/api/questions?${query ? $.param(query) : ""}`
Make a filtered search using a :
query = {
field: 'question',
value: 'data science'
query = {
field: 'user',
value: 'kari'
query = {
field: 'topic',
value: 'Cooking'
Since the redux store is consistent thorught the application multiple reducers share the same action.
This means when a user views, answers questions, or comments on an answer the redux store is already updated with the latest data.
- Replace input forms components in favor of modals input forms to allow more dynamic user options without crowding up the webpage.
Question Pages:
- Replies to a comment.
- Upvotes
- Markdown and Media content for answers.
- User profiles