Small tools to automate stuff and things
You can download the latest version here
usage: java -jar commandline-tools.jar [-author <arg>] [-docsFolder <arg>]
[-downloadJar] [-generateDocs] [-generateSkeletonGamemode]
[-generateTestServer] [-generateWorkspace] [-groupId <arg>]
[-includeAddons] [-includeOtherProjects] [-jarFileName]
[-projectFolder <arg>] [-projectName <arg>] [-serverFolder <arg>]
[-test] [-useKotlin] [-workspaceFolder <arg>]
Possible options:
-author <arg> Your name
-docsFolder <arg> Specifies the folder where the docs should be
cloned into (defaults to docs)
-downloadJar Downloads paper from the ci
-generateDocs Regenerates the docs repo with the latest
-generateSkeletonGamemode Generates a empty gamemode project
-generateTestServer Generates a testserver, ready to run VGL
-generateWorkspace Generates a workspace, ready to enable
working on VGL itself
-groupId <arg> The groupid of your gamemode
-includeAddons Also setup all default addons
-includeOtherProjects Also setup other misc projects
-jarFileName File name of the server jar
-projectFolder <arg> The folder the project should be located in
-projectName <arg> The name of your gamemode
-serverFolder <arg> Specifies the folder where the testserver
should be cloned into (defaults to
-test Test stuff, pls ignore
-useKotlin If the gamemode should be written in kotlin
-workspaceFolder <arg> The folder where the workspace should be
located in (defaults to VoxelGamesLib)
Please report any issues to
Example to generate a workspace with a testserver:
java -jar commandline-tools.jar -generateWorkspace -workspaceFolder testWorkspace -includeAddons -includeOtherProjects -generateTestServer -serverFolder testWorkspace/testserver -downloadJar
Example to generate a testserver
java -jar commandline-tools.jar -generateTestServer -serverFolder testserver -downloadJar
Example to generate a project
java -jar commandline-tools.jar -generateSkeletonGamemode -author yourName -projectFolder projectName -projectName projectName -groupId com.yourpackage [-useKotlin]