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Friendly bot app to assist students attend class, submit homework on time, search the internet,
get study help, keep track of time and stay motivated.

How The Bot Is Used

Users select from pre-defined commands to access desired functionality. The bot will then prompt
the user for information specific to that functionality. The bot will create, update, retrieve, delete and
display user information accordingly.

Team Members:

Bryan Vinson (jbvinsonWSU)
Saim Beg (MSaimBeg)
Nataly Arredondo (nattapi)
Syed Safwaan (syed-safwaan)
Adi Sairamachandran (AdiSai)

Command features

Easter Egg Commands:

  8-ball                  Play magic 8-ball, answers to everything
  guessing-game           A game where you try to guess the number the bot ch...
  rock-paper-scissors     Play rock paper scissors against bot

Inspire Commands:

  get-cs-motivation       Gets a CS motivation quote
  get-cs-satire           Gets a CS satirical quote
  get-some-inspiration    Gets a purely inspiring quote

Music Commands:

  leave                   Bot disconnects from voice channel
  pause                   pauses music in voice channel
  play                    Plays sounds with youtube video link
  resume                  resumes music in voice channel
  stop                    stops playing music (allows for song change)

Notes Commands:

  create-note             Creates a note.
  delete-note             Deletes a note.
  list-notes              Lists all available notes.

Profile Commands:

  change-timezone         Changes the user's saved timezone.
  display_score           Displays the user's participation scoreboard statis...
  init                    Initializes a user in the StudyBot System.
  send-feedback           Allows the user to send feedback to the developers ...
  userinfo                Displays the user's general information.

Reminder Commands:

  set-infinite-reminder   (sir) Grabs user reminder data and pushes it to the...
  set-reminder            (sr) Grabs user reminder data and pushes it to the ...
  set-repetitive-reminder (srr) Grabs user reminder data and pushes it to the...

Search Commands:

  big-search              Search google to get results
  search                  Search duckduckgo to get results
  search-site             Search duckduckgo to get results from specific site

Ticket Commands:

  create-ticket           Initializes private ticket creation and setup.
  resolve-ticket          Resolves an existing ticket.
  setup-tickets           Initializes the Ticket category used for tickets in...

Timed Commands:

  highest-timer           Sends detailed Timer information for the top timer.
  list-timers             Lists all active timers created by the user.
  set-timer               Creates a Timer instance.
  unset-all-timers        Deletes all timers for the user.
  unset-highest-timer     Deletes the top timer for the user.
  unset-timer             Destroys Timer instance.

ToDoList Commands:

  create-item             Creates a todo item.
  todolist-queue          Sends information for all pending Timer instances.

No Category:

  help                    Shows list of commands

Type !help command for more info on a command.
You can also type !help <category> for more info on a category.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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