Handler for ffmpeg
⚠ WARNING: About the handling of ffmpeg output.
I`m currently working on handling ffmpeg correctly as the output from the actual application is treated as errors when handled with powershell context.
This will be fixed shortly.. in the meantime I dont have any output from the application, except actual critical warnings
This module relies on ffmpeg.exe and needs to have the parent folder registered in $env:path
to work properly,
FFMEG can be installed using install-ffmpeg -scope {Process|User|Machine}
Define what context you install to.
For Windows:
saves ffmpeg in$env:TEMP\FFmpeg
and sets process environment variableUser
Saves ffmpeg in$env:LOCALAPPDATA\FFmpeg
and sets user environment variableMachine
saves ffmpeg in$env:ProgramData\FFmpeg
and sets machine environment variable
Every install cleans out the directory before continuing. makre sure you don't use ffmpeg if you have it installed and run it again.
set the path to ffmpeg by using set-ffpath -scope {Process|User|Machine}
Decieds in what context you set the system variable. defaults to user
Converts the selected file to the format of your choosing
-OutFormat #Defines format
-OutFolder #Defines Output folder. it will default to whatever folder input is located
-Force #Replace file if exists. If not enabled, the command will write warning if file already exist and return the existing file, for the sake of the pipeline.
-Arguments #If you have any extra arguments, This is also for futureproofing when writing specific commands for converting and splitting video and audio
#Find every .wav in c:\path (or subfolders)
$Items = Gci 'c:\Path' -recurse -file -filter "*.wav"
#Converts those items in place.
$items|Convert-FFItem -OutFormat mp3
#Converts those items to c:\otherpath
$items|Convert-FFItem -OutFormat mp3 -OutFolder 'c:\Otherpath'
#Converts those items to c:\otherpath AND replaces any files that have been created with the same name
$items|Convert-FFItem -OutFormat mp3 -OutFolder 'c:\Otherpath' -force