Easily send Brevo transactional email and sms with Laravel.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require yieldstudio/laravel-brevo-notifier
Just define these environment variables:
Make sure that MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS
is an authenticated email on Brevo. You can verify by logging in your Brevo account here https://app.brevo.com/senders
is limited to 11 for alphanumeric characters and 15 for numeric characters.
You can publish the configuration file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YieldStudio\LaravelBrevoNotifier\BrevoNotifierServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Now you can use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use YieldStudio\LaravelBrevoNotifier\BrevoEmailChannel;
use YieldStudio\LaravelBrevoNotifier\BrevoEmailMessage;
class OrderConfirmation extends Notification
public function via(): array
return [BrevoEmailChannel::class];
public function toBrevoEmail($notifiable): BrevoEmailMessage
return (new BrevoEmailMessage())
->to($notifiable->firstname, $notifiable->email)
->params(['order_ref' => 'N°0000001']);
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use YieldStudio\LaravelBrevoNotifier\BrevoSmsChannel;
use YieldStudio\LaravelBrevoNotifier\BrevoSmsMessage;
class OrderConfirmation extends Notification
public function via(): array
return [BrevoSmsChannel::class];
public function toBrevoSms($notifiable): BrevoSmsMessage
return (new BrevoSmsMessage())
->content('Your order is confirmed.');
To run the tests, just run composer install
and composer test
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