Xalwart is a C++ web framework for building dynamic applications. The main purpose of using Xalwart is to build an HTTP protocol-based web API.
In the future, template-based responses will be added, probably.
The framework provides modules, middleware, controllers, global application state (settings), database access and schema migrations, and commands.
Module is a logic component of the project. Each module contains commands and regular expression-based URL patterns mapped to controllers.
Middleware can be implemented as classes or functions, so they are called class-based and function-based respectfully.
Controllers are handlers of the actual requests. They accept the request and additional URL parameters in arguments of the appropriate method and return the response object which can be serialized to HTTP format.
Application settings define constant parameters which can be set before running the server directly in the code, or dynamically from the YAML configuration file without recompiling the application. Main YAML config can be overwritten by local, development, production, etc. files.
For database access, you can use the ORM component of this framework. Xalwart ORM provides access to relational databases by using classes mapped to database entities.
External management is performed with a set of predefined commands which can be extended by the developer.
The main purpose of this repository is to provide docker images with framework components assembled as one package. In the future here will appear prebuilt releases of the Xalwart framework which can be downloaded for development.
Full documentation will appear soon in the repositories of every single framework component and (or) in this repository as one big wiki. For reference, read examples.
The framework consists of four mandatory parts and one optional.
Contains common utilities for all other components of the framework.
Provides access to relational databases using C++ classes.
Parses HTTP request headers, creates body readers and sends responses to the client represented by TCP socket; this is an optional library, any other server can be used which implements the required interface.
Provides all application functional components, such as modules, commands, middleware, and controllers.
To create a project and its components fast, there is a useful tool called Xalwart CLI, this wiki should be helpful.
Currently, there is only one very simple example of using the Xalwart web framework. It is called OAuth Service. More examples will appear soon in a separate repository. Link to these examples will be added here.
You can run and test Xalwart application in Docker image. Check out the list of available containers.
Xalwart web framework as well as this project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.