Welcome to the Sports League Management System! This database is designed to efficiently organize multiple sports leagues, each led by a unique CEO. It keeps track of all essential league information, match details, team data, player statistics, coaches, and match officials.
CEO Management:
• Registration and login for CEOs.
• CEO personal information capture (name, email, phone number).
• CEO authentication and security.
League Management:
• Creation of multiple leagues with unique league IDs.
• Recording league details such as name, season, start and end dates, rules, and regulations.
Team Management:
• Creation of teams with unique team IDs.
• Storage of team information including team name and logo.
• Association of teams with respective leagues.
Player Management:
• Registration of players with unique player IDs.
• Capturing player attributes like name, age, position, and performance statistics.
• Association of players with specific teams.
Coach Management:
• Registration of coaches with unique coach IDs.
• Storing coach details such as name, position, salary, and hire date.
• Ability to assign multiple coaches to teams.
Match Management:
• Scheduling of matches with unique match IDs.
• Recording match details including date, time, and venue.
• Tracking participating teams and match outcomes.
Match Official Management:
• Registration of match officials with unique official IDs.
• Capturing official details like name and role.
• Association of match officials with matches for rule enforcement.
Database Connectivity:
• Integration of MySQL database for data storage and retrieval.
Graphical User Interface (GUI):
• User-friendly interface for CEOs to interact with the system.
• Intuitive forms for data entry and modification.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Import the project into your preferred Java IDE.
- Build and run the project.