Casey Largent, Kevin Nicklen, and Erik Shafer
"Develop a simple chat client in the language of your choice." - Gregory Gelfond (2017)
Using the NodeJS JavaScript runtime, we developed a chatroom reminiscent of an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) application. The chat process works on a client/server networking model. Clients are required to obtain the ClientSocket.js
application, as it comes pre-configured to connect to the ServerSocket.js
- NodeJS: Node is a runtime environment for JavaScript. It must be downloaded (
, latest stable is8.9.1
) to run the application.
- To start the server application:
/node ServerSocket.js
- Enter the maximum amount of chat clients allowed.
- You're now good to begin running clients!
- To start the client application:
/node ClientSocket.js
- Enter your nickname
- Begin chatting!
Commands: /nick and /help: There is an issue that once a client types in either
, they will need to hit enter (return carriage) one more time. This is due to the chat submission implementation that begins with the>
arrow, and how the last command submitted it overwritten with a timestamp, nickname, and chat message.- Help command
- Blank line.
- Hit enter to dispaly arrow
- User types message:
> hello
- Processed message:
[23:59:59] Erik: hello
- Help command
Entering the Server
Users already connected are displayed in a list for the newly connected client. If no one is connected, the client is encouraged to invite friends.
Help Command
Brings up commands to help users understand the client application better.
Away From Keyboard
Inbound messages are not shown to the client. A notification for going or coming back from AFK is broadcasted to the server.
Exiting the Server
Properly exits the server. -
Broadcasts across chat.
Changing Nickname
/nick [arg]
Replace [arg] with your new nickname.
Broadcasts change to chat.