Let’s imagine that you’ve decided to build a start-up and that you have a great idea, which is a feedback system that enables customers to give feedback on e-commerce websites. You are both the founder and technical chief of your startup.
So, let’s start building your startup!
Here are the Acceptance Criteria:
- You don’t have access to your clients’ code base
- Your client-side code should be easily integrable
- You should show your client’s feedback in a simple HTML table or on a Google Sheet File
- Expected code coverage is 100%
- You can use any tech stack which you feel comfortable with
Your first customer is Trendyol, and you can reach Trendyol’s expectations on the images below:
Nice to have topics that could help your possible client to buy your service:
- An online demo
- Well documented product
- Dealing with security concerns
- Bug free and 100% unit test coverage
- Well performanced client side library
- Responsive Design
- Clean code and readable folder structure
PS: Please include "case is done" in your last commit.
This project was developed for Trendyol Case. Acceptance criteria is above. I tried to apply all requirements. The project is divided into two pieces, these are front-end and back-end. Detailed package information is given below section.
I used React and developed React Web Widget because that is the easiest way for customer-side integration. The app is covered by unit tests and end-to-end tests. The app provided a feedback icon and feedback modal. I tried to apply the TDD approach and used Typescript. I served the CDN JavaScript file and CSS file.
The back-end app is developed via NodeJS and ExpressJS. It deployed in Heroku(only the backend). Which helps the CDN process with static file serving service. I used EJS for serving company feedback. That helped a simple and good shape table.
When your development is done, you have to run npm build
. That command creates main.js
and main.css
files. Move that file into the backend/public. Change remote origin to Heroku and push it. It will deploy with new files
The project was developed using the following technologies:
Cloning the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/DevelopmentHiring/SuhaIsik
Download the dependences:
This project has 2 projects inside of it
Every step has own install.You can follow regular installation
For Front-End
cd frontEnd/feedbackyfe
npm install
- Run:
npm start
- Coverage:
npm run coverage
- Unit Test:
npm test
- End To End Test:
npm test:e2e
For Back-End
cd backend
npm install
- Run:
npm start
- Unit Test:
npm test
The integration process is very easy. You need to import feedbacky's JS and CSS files and define a single div element with a selected `feedbacky-widget` ID.
The app is going to find the element and render it inside. The Feedbacky button sticks to the bottom of the page and modal overlays all pages.
attribute defines your company id.
Example usage;
<div id="feedbacky-widget" data-subreddit="trendyol"></div>
Example Html file
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="https://trendyolcase1.herokuapp.com/main.js" defer type="module"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://trendyolcase1.herokuapp.com/main.css">
<div id="feedbacky-widget" data-subreddit="trendyol"></div>
For the live example, Please open example.html on root.