Simple implementation of latent semantic analysis based on (Dumais et al, 1994). LSA is a completely unsupervised method for indexing and topic modelling of text corpora, using only a linear algebra technique called singular value decomposition (SVD). It turns out that LSA deals well with synonymy and polysemy, whereas traditional lexicon-based indexing (e.g. BoW and TF-IDF) fail. Synonymy is where a single object can be described in many different ways. Polysemy is where the same word can describe multiple and semantically different objects.
LSA works by first constructing a term-by-document matrix A
, optionally
normalizing the matrix (e.g. using TF-IDF). SVD is then applied, splitting the
term-document matrix into left and right singular vectors, U
and Vt
and singular values, S
. The top k
highest singular values are chosen and then
the three components are multiplied together again to create a lower-rank
approximation of the original term-document matrix, Ak = Uk . Sk . Vk_t
. Uk
then becomes latent space for all the terms, and Vk_t
becomes latent space for
all the documents. Not only does this operation compress the original matrix,
thereby saving memory and compute resouces, it also collapses documents into topics/concepts. This gives us the power to find document similarity from a
query, even when the query doesn't share any terms with the relevant documents.
E.g. in (Landauer et al, 1988), the query "human computer interaction" also
retrieves documents "The EPS user interface management system" and "Relation of
user-perceived response time to error measurement".
After we index our text corpus, we can query/search for similar documents by treating our query as a pseudo-document and encoding the query in this latent document space. Then we simply perform a cosine distance comparison between the query vector and all the document vectors.
A note on reproducing original (Dumais et al, 1994) paper: the term-document
matrix in table 3 doesn't match the text corpus in table 2; even though they
don't use any stemming, they implicitly treat "application" and "applications"
as one and the same, as well as a number of other terms, e.g. "problem" and
"problems", etc. Therefore I've modified sample/en.txt
to reflect this, so
you obtain the same results as in the paper.
Also for stop words, I've adopted the words used in SMART Information Retrieval System, Gerard Salton, Cornell University.
- Python 2.7
- NumPy
There are two parts - indexing, and query. You first perform indexing on a
corpus of text documents, thereby obtaining left and right singular vectors, as
well as singular values, Uk
, Vk_t
, and Sk
respectively. Then you run a
query and obtain a set of matching documents and corresponding cosine distance
scores (the higher the better).
The documents can be either in a single directory with each document in a
separate file, or they can all be in a single text file, where each document is
on a separate line (see sample/en.txt
). The document can be a title, an
abstract, or a full report/paper/novel/etc.
There are a number of options when indexing, such as whether to use stop words
(see --stopwords
) and whether to normalize the term-document matrix by TF-IDF (good idea for any reasonably sized corpus, see --tfidf
). Also, one of the
most important parameters is the rank of the approximation matrix (see
). For a dozen documents, a rank of 2-3 is ok, for a large collection of
documents (thousands) this number should be between 100 and 300. Having a high
rank will turn LSA performance into that of a lexicon-based search/indexing, while having a very low rank value will collapse documents into a too-small set
of topics/concepts. So the real challenge with LSA is to pick the right rank
value (this is often done using cross-validation on production systems).
python --stopwords --docs ./sample/en.txt
To query, you specify the query string and optionally the minimum cosine distance score (0.9 by default).
python --query "application and theory"
Using Linear Algebra for Intelligent Information Retrieval, S. T. Dumais, M. W. Berry, G. W. O'Brien, 1994
Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis, T. K. Landauer S. Deerwester, S. T. Durmais, G. W. Furnas, R. Harshman, 1988