A simple, OpenSource Weather App for Android device. I used OpenWeatherMap API for weather data. Click here for more information about OpenWeatherMap.
You have to create your own API key and paste it here
If you want to see the workingapp then download the .apk file from here and run it on your android device. If you're a developer or a technical person and want to see the app through the Android Studio then you must have to replace your key first and then only you can use the app.
- Weather widget
- Current Weather notification
- Rich Material Design
- Material Navigation Drawer
- Material Design Colors
- Card Layouts
- App search functionality
- App sharing feature
- Weather Forecasts (ex: 3 days, 7 days, or 14 days)
- User handled settings
- Different measures (ex: km/h and mp/h, ex: celsius and fahrenheit)
- 7 different language support. (ex: English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish)
- Home screen
- Sharing application window screen
- Forecasts screen
- Application Settings screen
- About Me page
- User can change "City name".
- User can change "Country name".
- User can choose parameters in km/h or mp/h.
- User can choose temperature in celsius or fahrenheit.
- User can select weather forecast for 3 days, 7 days, or 14 days.
- User can change application language in their own. (Right now, app supports 7 different languages)
- User can turn on or off status bar notification of current app.
If you have any other innovative ideas or issues, please contact me or reach out to me.
This application is Free and OpenSource: You can use, study, share and improve it at your will. You don't need my permission for copying any contents. But just make sure that please do not submit this work as a part of your an academic assignment or homework.
The weather data is provided by OpenWeatherMap, under the Creative Commons license.
Icons Weather Icons, by Digital Phantom.