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Completed-Projects Updated January 3, 2018

My Completed Projects Repository

Hello, and welcome to my repository!


This folder contains all of the files necessary to run a front end that I designed. It utilizes the Amadeus Travel Search API to provide users with an exploratory travel search experience. The user can explore flights, cars, and hotels listed by price. At the moment, the project is not connected to the "real" API (that will be the next step of the project). Instead, it only displays the data in the api.js file -- my "fake" API.

This program utilizes ternary search trees and allows a user to apply numerous methods to a stored list of words, including recieving an "autocompleted" word based on some prefix that a user might enter (for instance, if the user inputs "c" and asks for an autocomplete, they might get back "cat" if it is stored within the autocompleter). This code demonstrates my expertise with the tree data structure (I got 100% on this project!)

This file contains a link to the GitHub repository containing all of the work from my team's Language Translation and Implementation (fondly referred to as Compilers) semester project. This work was completed in the spring semester of my Junior year of college. In this project, my team and I built a unique compiler for our language, Casper, "A very friendly programming language." This required us to write an abstract search tree to outline the syntax of our language, write semantic analysis, and complete the general backend for this project on top of completing regular homework assignments to help us learn all of these skills in the first place. We did most of our work using the Live Share feature of VS Code, meaning that the work I completed is not well reflected in the commits in this repository. Nevertheless, this class was quite challenging and provided a rigorous learning experience. You can view the general project website here.


This file includes the code wherein the central gameplay functionality is stored for a game I designed in Unity called Scopa. Scopa itself is an Italian card game that relies heavily on both logic and luck (rules can be found at !). While several other classes were utilized in the final game, this class holds the central logic and functionality code for the game overall. Be warned -- the class for which this was the final project was graded entirely on code functionality, so the cleanliness of the code was not necessarily of high priority. Also, let it be known that I was the only Sophomore among the 15 or so students in this upper-division class, and I received an A for my work! :)

GRNsight is the gene regulatory network-visualizing research project that I worked on with a couple of professors (Dr. Kam Dahlquist from LMU Biology and Dr. John Dionisio from LMU Computer Science). For the first year that I worked on this project, I met with these professors to complete weekly tasks, mainly having to do with setting up a new testing framework for validating input workbooks, and I wrote tests and created test workbooks to check this framework's functionality in terms of the expression data sheets used in node coloring. In my last semester of college, I added a feature to this site for my capstone/thesis project. In this project, I created a backend database using AWS RDS and populated it with existing expression data from various publications. Dr. Dahlquist provided me with the data, and I reformatted it to make it more functionally query-able. I wrote REST APIs to connect this backend database to the front end of GRNsight, and I added features to the front end to make it so that users would be able to toggle between datasets. This project is probably the most significant of my career as a CS student and is the culmination of my educational endeavors. See the general project website here -- the most up-to-date work I did on this project is currently stored under the Beta tab. The GRNsight file in this repo contains a link to the project repository (my work is contained primarily in the alexia and alexia_expressionDBProject branches; I also composed some informational Wikis and added documents/presentations on the Master branch).

This code creates a linked list of Yarn objects. Now, a Yarn is an unordered collection of Strings in which duplicates are allowed. A Yarn maps Strings to the number of occurrences of each String in the Yarn. For instance, the sentence "I think I like quesadillas" could be converted to the yarn { "I": 2 , "think": 1 , "like" : 1, "quesadillas" : 1 }. The size of a Yarn is the number of total words stored in it (in this case, 5), while the uniqueSize is the number of unique words in the Yarn (in this case, 4). In this program, each Yarn is represented as a linked list in which each Node of the list contains a String (the word) as well as the number of occurrences of that String. As you will see, many different methods are created and can be used in this program. This work demonstrates my developing expertise in Java programming, as well as my flourishing understanding of Data Structures (this was one of the first projects I completed in my Data Structures class).


This file contains the C++ necessary to create and rotate a 3D graphical scene. This project was completed in the second semester of my Junior year of college in my Computer Graphics class, which dealt heavily with the mathematical theory behind computer graphics.


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