This app uses
- bloc is used as state management
- dio is used of api requests
- unit testing and integration testing are implemented
- google_fonts
- get_it
- dartz
- flutter_bloc
- json_annotation
- json_serializable
- dio
- pull_to_refresh
- flutter_svg
- cached_network_image
- connectivity
- shared_preferences
- equatable
- provider
- mocktail
- bloc_test
- integration_test
- flutter_test
- main.dart
- In this file MyApp will be created and initialized.
- Repositories is registered in GetIt before runApp.
- MultiProvider is used to inject providers that has to be accessed through the whole app.
- screens
- Our three different pages (Splash, Home, Pokemon details).
- Widgets - Some reusable widgets.
- MyProgressBar - This is a custom animated horizonal line progress bar (Color is changed based on value).
- routes
- route_generator - It has generateRoute function
- routes - All routes of the app encapsulated here for easy access.
- repository
- FavouritesRepository - used to store favorites persistently.
- PokemonsRepository - used to get data from API.
- Dio is used here to handle requested. The dio object will need to be injected to it. (To add interceptor for example).
- Either is used from dartz for efficient error handling.
- network
- AppInterceptor - for logging data in debug mode.
- RetryOnConnectionChangeInterceptor - this can be used to retry request if the phone reconnects to the internet.
- errors - Common network failures.
- helpers
- capitalize - an extension for String to make capitalize first Char.
- DominantColor - to get the dominant color from a rectangle of 40x40 px in the middle of the image.
- blocs - flutter_bloc is used for state management
- FavouritesCubit
- PokemonsListCubit
- pokemon_mapper - This is used to map pokemons from api responses to pokemons list that can be used in our ui.
- PokemonDetailsCubit - this is used to add and remove from favorites.
- FavouritesNum - this is a ChangeNotifier that is used to notify the UI of the change of favorites count.
- image_mock_http_client - This is used to mock the image requests and respond with a fake image while unit testing.
- test_helpers
- fixtures - This is a function that is used to read json files to mock API responses. (json files are located under test_resources).
- screens-> widgets
- favourites_list_test - Testing favorites list widget.
- pokemons_list_test - Testing Pokemons list.
- blocs - Testing blocs with bloc_test lib.
- data - Some fake data to use when testing screens.
- app_test - The whole app is tested here (pagination - add/remove favorite - scroll performance)