(Project added to TensorFlow.js gallery > Demos & Applications)
- Webcam video recrding when object is detected
- Object(person/dog/cat) detection and recording video
- Running Locally without any server connection
- After tensorflow.js model is loaded, no server connection is needed
- Powered by HTML5, WebRTC, Tensorflow.js
Chrome - 71.0.3578.98
Please allow chrome to use "Camera".
If you want to auto download for recorded video, Please allow "Automatic Downloads".
To test object detection, click "Test Object Detection" button.
Loading TFJS model take 1~2 minutes.
This button draw bounding box to video.
To start smart recording, click "Smart Recording" Button.
During smart recording mode,
If a object is detected, Recording is started.
If the object disapear for 3 seconds, Recording is stoped.
If recording is continued for 1 minute, record video is created and recording is re-started.
To start recording, click "Recording" Button.
This button start recording regardless of object detection.
If recording is continued for 1 minute, record video is created and recording is re-started.
Click "hamberger" button and check out the created video.
User can download or remove video.
The video hold system memory until user remove it.
To save system memory, please download and remove video from navigator.
Download all and remove all videos