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CourseGPT is more than an AI app - it’s a vision for a more responsive, personalized education system. By allowing professors to train AI models on-demand, students gain immediate access to course-specific materials and logistical details. Professors and TA’s can sit back and relax with a personal AI assistant managing repetitive Q&A, while students can enjoy instant answers to questions for all of their courses in one place.

⚠️ Currently trained on all CPSC 455 website data (except slides) and the CPSC 213 companion (ref to a similar, but smaller version)


If you'd like an account that has many questions and responses already populated (for testing), you can use the following account. The account type is developer, which gives you access to all additional features (training, analytics, etc.).

However, this is not necessary - you can easily create your own account, if you'd prefer.

Email: [email protected]

Password: i_love_grading

Project Goals

Minimal Requirements (3/3 ✅)

  1. Simple user login
    • As a user, I want to be able to create an account and log in so that I can access CourseGPT.
  2. Being able to ask questions (1 course supported)
    • As a student user, I want to be able to ask questions and receive answers for at least one supported course so that I can understand the course content better.
    • ⚠️NOTE ⚠️ Trained on ALL CPSC 455 website data, not slides or MERN documentation. We felt that, although possible, it would not be a valuable use of our time to train CourseGPT on all MERN related documentation, as ChatGPT can easily provide this.
      • CourseGPT is relatively more useful for course logistics, as well as course-specific content, rather than generally available information. For example, courses that have adapted slides, textbooks, or other highly tailored course material.
      • CPSC 455 is unique, as there are no bounds on our application of MERN or other technologies - all of which we can find help for online or from ChatGPT. This is why we only trained it on website data.
  3. Chat history (view)
    • As a student user, I want to be able to view my past chat so that I can review the information that I've learned.

Standard Requirements (5/5 ✅)

  1. Deleting chat history
    • As a student user, I want to be able to clear my chat history so that I can keep my chat interface focused on my current learning goals.
  2. Feedback on individual messages
    • As a user, I want to be able to provide feedback on each response from CourseGPT so that I can help the developers improve CourseGPT and further my learning.
  3. Favourite courses
    • As a student user, I want to be able to favorite courses and have them easily selectable when creating a new chat so that I can quickly access the courses I'm currently studying. Although I recognize that only one course will be significantly trained and useful.
  4. Suggested prompts
    • As a student user, I want to have suggested prompts based on my selected course so that I can get ideas for what questions to ask or topics to explore.
  5. ProfileSettings changes
    • As a user, I want to be able to edit my email and password in my profile settings so that I can keep my account information up to date.

Stretch Requirements (3.5/6 ✅)

  1. Professor improved CourseGPT model

    • As a professor user, I want to be able to upload text that provides more information for training my course so that CourseGPT can provide more helpful answers to students.
  2. Multiple Course Support ⚠️

    • As a student user, I want to be able to select multiple different courses and receive helpful assistance in all of them so that I can learn more about all the courses I am taking, rather than just one.
    • ⚠️ Currently trained on all CPSC 455 website data (except slides) and the CPSC 213 companion (ref to a similar, but smaller version)
  3. Developer/Admin Analytics Page ✅

    • As an admin/developer user, I want an enhanced analytics page providing data related to feedback so that I can have a comprehensive understanding of user interactions and optimize the platform accordingly.
  4. Chat Search Functionality

    • As a student user, I want to be able to access a search bar to search through all of my chats to easily locate information so that I can efficiently find the information I need without having to scroll through all my chats.
  5. Professor new CourseGPT model

    • As a professor user, I want to be able to upload PDF documents that will be used to create and train a new course so that students in my course can utilize ChatGPT.
  6. Community feature

    • As a student user, I want to be able to see popular questions asked by other students for a certain course and answers endorsed by instructors so that I can learn more from other student usage and what my instructors believe to be important.

Stretch Requirements/Ideas Added Mid-Project (3/8 ✅)

  1. Copy to Clipboard Functionality

    • As a user, I want to be able to easily copy Course GPT messages to my clipboard, enabling me to easily share or save important information.
  2. Google login

    • As a user, I want to be able to create an account and log in with Google so that I can access CourseGPT with ease.
  3. Cookie-based Sessions

    • As a user, I want to be able to stay logged in after I close my browser, or if I open a new tab, so that my study flow is not disrupted.
  4. Email Confirmation

    • As a new user, I need to confirm my email to ensure the authenticity of my account so that unauthorized access can be minimized.
  5. Share Conversation Feature

    • As a user, I want to have a share button for each conversation so that I can easily share valuable insights with others.
  6. Auto-training

    • As a professor user, I want to be able to link my mail or Piazza so that the model can be trained automatically, further reducing my involvement managing Q&A from students
  7. Piazza / Slack Integration

    • As a student user, I want my questions to be answered in a thread instantly by CourseGPT within existing platforms that I already use so that it does not disrupt my current workflow and so other students can see my questions
    • As a professor user, I want to have CourseGPT answer student questions within existing communication platforms so that I can monitor and guarantee CourseGPT is providing correct answers, or so I can expand on CourseGPT's answers and improve student learning further
  8. Deleting Train Data

    • As a proffesor user, I want to be able to see all of the data I have submitted to train my course and easily edit or delete the data so that students always have the most uo-to-date information.

CPSC 455 Technology Usage


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript was used for more than just building the app’s layout and basic styling. We used them to make custom animations, scrollbars, canvas graphs integrations, accessibility enhancements, and responsiveness. Styles were also organized into CSS modules for clean scoping.

React and the “Front End”

React, along with redux and selectors, is used to manage the state and UI. We use redux to create asynchronous actions and communicate with an API, with state elements being maintained and selected through redux slices and selectors. Individual React components make up our application, with components separated into atoms, molecules, and organisms for better organization.

NodeJS and other “Back Ends”

In our project, Express is leveraged as the backend framework to manage routes, handle requests and responses, and integrate with various custom and provided middleware functions. The express.json() and express.urlencoded() methods are used to parse incoming requests and CORS is configured to handle cross-origin requests. Express serves both API routes and static files, and our configuration is also adjusted depending on the environment.

NoSQL with MongoDB

MongoDB enhanced our app’s ability to persist user data, including their account details, profile picture, affiliated school/courses, chats and messages. This not only allowed a smoother user experience where all of their chats are persisted between log-ins and a way to search old messages, but also a way for us to gather feedback and perform analytics on user data to better improve our product in the future. In addition, storing embedding vectors in MongoDB effectively saves cost in minimizing repetitive calls to the OpenAI API, as pre-generated embeddings from the API can be directly retrieved from MongoDB when a user asks a question.

Release Engineering

Heroku was used to deploy the application through adding heroku-postbuild, postinstall, and concurrently start scripts to our top level package.json. Additionally, our frontend Axios, and backend passport and express configuration, was configured to point to localhost during development or staging, and to the Heroku URL for production. From there, we connected heroku to our main branch, which automatically re-deployed our application after after new commit to main.

Above & Beyond Functionality

Auto-Training & Q&A

This functionality is what allows our models for each course to grow, as per the professors requirements, offering students access to any information the professor would like to programmatically provide.

When a professor submits text to train their course, the process begins mainly when the createEmbeddingForNewData function is called to create embeddings for new data. It breaks down raw data into chunks, normalizes and cleans the text, extracts keywords, and generates section titles. All of this is done to ensure that the generated embeddings are optimized for future student queries. The resulting sections are then processed into embeddings using the Open AI API, then stored in the database, in addition to a software cache for low-latency access on future student queries.

When a student submits a question, we first create an embedding for the users question and compare its similarity to all the embeddings that exist for that course. We then filter to collect the embedding information that meets a custom-defined relatedness threshold, while ensuring our collected information stays under OpenAI's token limit. We then construct a sophisticated query that includes the users original question, in addition to the embedding information that is most related to it. This query then gets sent to the original ChatGPT 4 model, which then returns an extensive, cohesive answer containing the information the user had requested.

Both the auto-training and chat requests leverage polling. Without it, some requests would exceed Heroku's 30-second request timeout limit. In the trainCurrentlySelectedDropdownCourse and getGptResponseInChat async thunks, the system polls every n seconds to check the training status of a course, and getting the GPT response, respectively. The polling loops continue until the status is marked as "complete".

Appendix A: Understanding Embeddings

In the context of natural language processing (NLP), embeddings translate words into vectors of real numbers. These decimal point values can then be leveraged for efficient similarity comparison between other embeddings.

Appendix B: Description of a Token

In the context of natural language processing (NLP), a token refers to a single unit that is a building block of a text or document. It can be a word, a number, or even a punctuation mark.

Global Chat Search

Introducing an unparalleled search functionality within CourseGPT, which allows seamless exploration of messages across all chats within an user’s account. Leveraging MongoDB Atlas Search, we not only used advanced querying techniques, but also incorporated a "fuzzy" search, enabling the system to find matches even with search string typos. The user experience is elevated through an intuitively designed search UI, triggered by Ctrl+F or Cmd+F keyboard shortcuts. The interface also enables users to commence typing keywords with dynamically fetched search results populating the screen the moment they pause for 500 milliseconds. In addition, the search results pop up with highlighted keywords and are organized by courses, showing how many results are in each course – giving you a quick and easy way to find what you're looking for. And clicking on a search result reveals the corresponding chat and seamlessly navigates the screen to the specific message featuring the keyword matches.

Data Analysis

CourseGPT provides a sentiment analysis dashboard accessible by developers and admins. Feedback submitted by users is computed to data points, which are then displayed into various scatter, bar, bubble, and word charts. By visualizing the sentiments and its clusters, we are able to know where the critical areas of improvement are for our model. This required in depth usage of course units including MongoDB and React, but also involved several things that were not covered. We used several subsets of AI in our backend, including ML and NLP (in grouping textual similarity and sentiment analysis)

Next Steps

Stretch Requirements/Ideas Added Mid-Project (2/7 ✅) The first is Auto-training, where professors can link their mail or Piazza for automatic course model training, reducing their manual effort to train the model themselves on repetitive questions. The second idea focuses on * *Piazza / Slack Integration** which allows CourseGPT to answer questions within existing platforms that both students and professors use. The third enhancement, **Deleting Train Data**, would enable professors to view, edit, or delete training data, ensuring that the course information provided within CourseGPT remains up-to-date.

Bonus: Refactoring and ensuring production-level code quality and security.



I worked heavily on the data analysis flow. For preparation, this included everything from the backend/frontend of feedback collection and the creation of question-answer pairs on our backend. In terms of the data analysis, I completed all of the backend, which involved tokenizing and grouping similar questions and analyzing frequency and sentiment.


I built all the frontend and some of the initial backend for the chat and message functionality, including chat filtering. Additionally, I designed and implemented the overall UI, created visualizations for the data analysis dashboard, and allowed users to select profile avatars.


I placed priority on laying the foundational aspects of the project which included the: folder structure, npm scripts, auto-deployment to Heroku, Express server and (most) routes, Redux slices and selectors, Mongo DB models, and the user login & account creation. After Duffy's preliminary research, I also implemented the primary chat and auto-training features, excluding the frontend rendering components done by Amy. Beyond these specific tasks, my contributions rippled throughout the entire project through refactoring, fixing bugs, and implementing various improvements.


I was responsible for spearheading the preliminary research and development phase of the Embeddings-based Search Model, enabling users to query GPT based on the provided training text. I also built the new user registration flow, allowing new users to select their school and courses. I later also implemented the frontend and backend chats/messages search feature.


I took responsibility to build out the UI for the Profile Modal allowing users to make changes to their personal information, their choice of school and courses, and passwords. I also implemented the functionality that allows the users to change their passwords, and UX features like the ability to copy the chat response to clipboard.


As developers, leveraging online resources is part of our workflow. As such, it was challenging for us to document every single place we learned from throughout our code base. We used the Chakra UI, Mongo, NPM, Heroku, Redux, Passport, JWT, Axios, and other documentation. Additionally, we learned some sections from online YouTube tutorials, Stack Overflow, and ChatGPT. Some code was adapted from ChatGPT and Stack Overflow, and we tried to document this in relevant locations. However, easily over 95% of our project was written by us.


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Personalized teaching aid







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  • JavaScript 96.5%
  • CSS 2.8%
  • HTML 0.7%