For those who are used to using zabbix to collect metrics, but want to start drawing dashboards more beautifully
Example simple docker-compose service
- Postgresql: 16-alpine
- Zabbix Server: 7.2.1
- Zabbix Frontend NGINX: 7.2.1
- Zabbix Agent: 7.2.1
- Grafana: 11.4.0
git clone
cd zabbix-docker
docker-compose up -d
The first launch takes 1-2 minutes
default user password
- login: Admin
- password: zabbix
Zabbix server - Host / change use connect from DNS zabbix-agent
default user password (change grafana/grafana.ini
auth.anonymous enabled)
- login: admin
- password: 12345
Test data source
Grafana -> Connections -> Data sources -> zabbix -> Test
docker-compose logs --tail=1 -f