ApsaraMongoAgent is a suit of docker agents used for ApsaraDB for MongoDB(https://github.com/alibaba/mongo) written in python.
It contains three docker images: mongo_startup_docker---->will build the docker for installing and starting up a mongod instance. It contains:
Dockerfile The file to build the docker
mongo_docker_script The dir of docker scripts. It contains:
mongo_tasks The task of mongo according to the pengine. It contains:
mongo_utils The utils. It contains some utisl.
mongod_conf_template The template of mongod.conf
mongo_manage_docker----will build the docker for managing a running mongod instance. It contains:
Dockerfile The file to build the docker
mongo_docker_script The dir of docker scripts. It contains:
entry_point.py Dockerfile entry_point
mongo_tasks The task of mongo according to the pengine. It contains:
mongo_testcases The test cases
mongo_utils The utils. It contains some utisl.
mongo_perf_docker----will build the docker for collecting performance metrics from a running mongod instance. It contains:
Dockerfile The file to build the docker
mongo_docker_script The dir of docker scripts. It contains:
perf_agent.py Dockerfile entry_point
- Build docker images. We do not provide a default base docker image for each Dockerfile. So you can select your base docker image as you like. CentOS7/RHEL7 are recommended. Likewise, we do not provide a default mongod binary in mongo_startup_docker, you can either use a community version or aliyun open src version. Please see details in Dockerfiles.
- Run them.
Have fun!