Lichess stats of the top 200 players in each mode (09/08/2021).
- We extract the top 200 players in the 5 modes : | bullet | blitz | rapid | classical | ultraBullet |
- We combine our player's traget : we get 858 unique player.
- For each player, we save his records with the attributes : rating, number of victories, draws and loses for the 5 modes.
The server overloaded with many requests, crashes after receiving more than 200 requests.
So, there is two solutions.
- Putting a clock, to pause the execution before the 200 request, and to deceive the server to not recognize that the requests is coming from a bot.
- Changing the IP adress after certain iterations.
import requests
url = ""
page = requests.get(url, proxies={"http":""})