Chrome Extension Store for Enterprise
This is a proof-of-concept of a private Chrome Extension Store for Enterprise use.
This has only been tested with Chromium on Linux, but the same principles should apply on Windows for machines attached to an Active Directory domain.
Note: "For Windows instances that are not joined to a Microsoft® Active Directory® domain, forced installation is limited to apps and extensions listed in the Chrome Web Store."
Download the entire project to a local folder.
Run npm install
to set up the packages.
Run sudo npm run first-run
to create the Policy file in /etc/chromium/policies/managed/
(You may need to edit make/SETTINGS.js
if your instance of Chromium uses a different folder)
Run npm start
to build the extensions and launch a simple web server, serving up the dist/
Running sudo npm run first-run
will create a blank Policy file at /etc/chromium/policies/managed/crx-store-policy.json
with permissions 777 (read/write for all users).
This file will be populated by npm start
Running npm start
will copy from make/crx-store-policy.json
to /etc/chromium/policies/managed/crx-store-policy.json
containing the following policies:
- "ExtensionInstallForcelist": ["focedodpfclchannlpocobimkdiabgfh;http://localhost:5000/extensions/focedodpfclchannlpocobimkdiabgfh/update.xml"]
- Forces a specific extension to be installed
- "ExtensionInstallSources": ["http://localhost:5000/*"]
- Allows extensions to be installed from a specific host (not just the official store)
- "DeveloperToolsAvailability": 1
- Allows debugging (useful for testing, but remove this in production)
- "EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled": true
- Enables the enterprise.hardwarePlatform API
If it doesn't work, you may need to edit make/SETTINGS.js
to change the target folder to one of the following:
- /etc/chromium/policies/managed
- /etc/chromium-browser/policies/managed
- /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed
- or similar
Chrome won't install extensions unless they are either:
- signed by Google, or
- in the ExtensionInstallForcelist group policy setting, or
- downloaded from a URLPattern in the ExtensionInstallSources group policy setting
- loaded unpacked
In addition, if policy ExtensionInstallBlocklist is set to "*":
- the option to load unpacked is no longer available, and
- if you want to use policy ExtensionInstallSources, then you will have to add your extension ID to policy ExtensionInstallAllowlist
(Older documentation refers to policy names ExtensionInstallBlacklist and ExtensionInstallWhitelist.)
Running npm start
will build two sample extensions in src/extensions/
and copy them to dist/
Running npm start
will host a lightweight web server on port 5000, serving files from dist/
- an extension store at http://localhost:5000/webstore
- binary CRX files at http://localhost:5000/extensions//binary.crx
- update.xml files at http://localhost:5000/extensions//update.xml
- manifest.json files at http://localhost:5000/extensions//manifest.json
Additional functionality can be unlocked by launching Chrome with special command-line flags. However this is not a realistic scenario for most enterprise users.
To make changes to the sample extensions in src/extensions/
- Don't forget to increment the version number in
- Re-run
npm start
to rebuild the binary.crx files - Browse to chrome://extensions and press Update
- If errors aren't showing, make sure that the "Collect Errors" toggle is enabled in chrome://extensions
The code in make/
uses ES Modules, not CommonJS.
Linux doesn't have a Registry, so this project uses a policy file instead.
For Windows, you'll have to use Active Directory's Group Policy.
Instructions for this are widely available online.
To force-install an extension, create this registry key and child value:
- Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist (note lowercase list)
- Name: "1"
- Type: REG_SZ
- Data: "focedodpfclchannlpocobimkdiabgfh;http://localhost:5000/extensions/focedodpfclchannlpocobimkdiabgfh/update.xml"
To enable the custom extension store, create this registry key and child value:
- Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallSources
- Name: "1"
- Type: REG_SZ
- Data: "http://localhost:5000/*"
To enable developer tools on force-installed extensions (remove this in production):
- Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome
- Name: "DeveloperToolsAvailability"
- Data: 0x00000001 (use zero or remove to disable)
To enable API enterprise.hardwarePlatform:
- Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome
- Name: "EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled":
- Data: 0x00000001
(by the author of crx3-utils)
See here:
Force-installed extension can access some additional restricted APIs.
In practice, the only additional API of any interest is enterprise.hardwarePlatform
Derived from
Chrome ships with a wide range of Extension APIs. Many of them are restricted to ChromeOS and/or to Google's own extensions and/or to Components only. (Components are a different way of extending browser functionality; they are reserved for Chrome developers only. See chrome://components for more info.)
Here are all the known APIs and whether they are available in Windows:
Permission | Available in Enterprise Extension on Windows |
accessibilityFeatures.modify | Yes | | Yes |
accessibilityPrivate | No |
activeTab | Yes |
activityLogPrivate | No |
autofillAssistantPrivate | No |
autofillPrivate | No |
autotestPrivate | No |
background | Yes |
bookmarks | Yes |
brailleDisplayPrivate | No |
browsingData | Yes |
certificateProvider | No |
chromePrivate | No |
chromeosInfoPrivate | No |
clipboardRead | Yes |
clipboardWrite | Yes |
commandLinePrivate | No |
commands.accessibility | No |
contentSettings | Yes |
contextMenus | Yes |
cookies | Yes |
crashReportPrivate | No |
cryptotokenPrivate | No |
debugger | Yes |
developerPrivate | No |
devtools | Yes |
declarativeContent | Yes |
desktopCapture | Yes |
desktopCapturePrivate | Yes, but useless |
documentScan | No |
downloads | Yes | | Yes |
downloads.shelf | Yes |
enterprise.deviceAttributes | No |
enterprise.networkingAttributes | No |
enterprise.hardwarePlatform | Yes |
enterprise.platformKeys | No |
enterprise.platformKeysPrivate | No |
enterprise.reportingPrivate | No |
experimental | Yes, but useless |
fileBrowserHandler | No |
fileManagerPrivate | No |
fileSystemProvider | No |
fontSettings | Yes |
gcm | Yes |
geolocation | Yes |
history | Yes |
identity | Yes | | Yes |
identityPrivate | No |
idltest | Yes, but useless |
imageWriterPrivate | No |
input | Yes (not Mac) |
inputMethodPrivate | No |
languageSettingsPrivate | No |
launcherSearchProvider | No |
lockWindowFullscreenPrivate | No |
login | No |
loginScreenStorage | No |
loginScreenUi | No |
loginState | No |
webcamPrivate | No |
networking.castPrivate | No |
management | Yes |
mediaPlayerPrivate | No |
mediaRouterPrivate | No |
mdns | No |
notifications | Yes |
echoPrivate | No |
pageCapture | Yes |
passwordsPrivate | No |
platformKeys | No |
plugin | Yes - TODO what is this? |
printing | No |
printingMetrics | No |
privacy | Yes |
processes | No |
proxy | Yes |
resourcesPrivate | No |
rtcPrivate | No |
safeBrowsingPrivate | No |
scripting | Yes (m3) |
search | Yes |
sessions | Yes |
settingsPrivate | No |
signedInDevices | No (maybe future) |
systemPrivate | No |
tabGroups | Yes (m3) |
tabs | Yes |
tabCapture | Yes |
terminalPrivate | No |
topSites | Yes |
transientBackground | No (maybe future) |
tts | Yes |
ttsEngine | Yes |
usersPrivate | No |
wallpaper | No |
wallpaperPrivate | No |
webNavigation | Yes |
webrtcAudioPrivate | No |
webrtcDesktopCapturePrivate | No |
webrtcLoggingPrivate | No |
webrtcLoggingPrivate.audioDebug | No |
webstorePrivate | No |
End of file.