Forwards http traffic onto private network
From the root directory
docker build -t http-forwarder-app:latest -t http-forwarder-app:0.n .
From the root directory
docker run -it --rm -p 5001:443 -p 5000:80 --name http-forwarder-app http-forwarder-app
Create conf, logs and certs folders on host machine. Place ssl pem cert file (domain-cert.pem) and private key file (domain-private-key.pem) in certs folder.
docker run --init -d --name="http-forwarder" -e "TZ=Asia/Singapore" -e SSL_PORT=5100 -e CERT_PATH=/app/certs/domain-crt.pem -e CERT_KEY_PATH=/app/certs/domain-private-key.pem -v <host_path_conf>:/app/conf -v <host_path_logs>:/app/logs -v <host_path_certs>:/app/certs --network bridge -p 5100:443 -p 5101:80 --restart always http-forwarder-app:0.n
From the root directory
docker save -o <local path>\http-forwarder-app_0.n.tar http-forwarder-app:latest http-forwarder-app:0.n
docker load --input <path>\http-forwarder-app_0.n.tar