Before compiling code, make sure you have the correct path to your MODBUS adapter. On my Mac it was /dev/tty.usbserial-DO001BL8 Also, make sure you have libmodbus installed.
Using homebrew...
brew update
brew install libmodbus
g++ `pkg-config --cflags --libs libmodbus` suresine.cpp -o suresine && chmod +x suresine
The light will turn red on the inverter signaling the configuration changed.
- You will now need to restart the invert for the change to take effect.
- Disconnect DC power to the inverter.
- Make sure the DIP #2 is up/on. This signals to the inverter you want to use your custom value
- Add power back to the invert
- Optionally, run the program again to see that the changes were saved in your registers
- Morningstar official documentation for changing LVD and LVR:
- Morningstar official documentation for the register settings:
- libmodbus documentation:
- Example blog showing example of how to connect to MorningStar SureSine using libmodbus on Mac/Linux: