Welcome to Firemonitor, an IoT-based solution for monitoring and protecting buildings from fires. With Firemonitor, building owners and managers can stay informed about the state of their fire alarm systems, receive real-time alerts in case of any issues, and take timely action to ensure the safety and functionality of their buildings.
- Real-time monitoring of the fire alarm system and related building systems
- Immediate alerts in case of any issues or potential fires
- Integration with smart devices and building systems for seamless monitoring and control
- User-friendly interface for accessing and interpreting data and receiving alerts
This project utilizes the following technologies:
- Node.js and the Express.js framework: Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building scalable, high-performance web applications, and Express.js is a fast, minimalist framework for building web servers and APIs on top of Node.js. We chose these technologies for their speed, efficiency, and ability to handle large amounts of data.
- Socket.IO: Socket.IO is a library for real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers. It allows us to create real-time alerts and a real-time chat application for operators within the system.
- Microservices: To ensure the reliability and scalability of the system, we have implemented a microservice architecture, with separate services handling different aspects of the system. This includes a service to receive and hold messages from the IoT devices until they can be consumed by the server.
Some of the key features of this project include:
- Real-time alerts: Using Socket.IO, we are able to provide real-time alerts to building owners and managers in case of any issues or potential fires.
- Real-time chat: Operators can use the real-time chat application to communicate with each other and coordinate their efforts to resolve any issues.
- Scalable architecture: The microservice architecture allows us to easily scale the system to handle large amounts of data and traffic.
- Reliable message handling: The message-handling microservice ensures that all messages from the IoT devices are received and processed, even if the main server is experiencing high levels of traffic or other issues.