A Terminator plugin which adds features for ssh and docker/podman to the context menu
This will clone your current SSH/container session into a newly spawned terminal
Heavily inspired by https://github.com/ilgarm/terminator_plugins which is no longer mainained
When you clone a remote session, you can apply a terminator profile based on host or container name
Inspired by https://github.com/GratefulTony/TerminatorHostWatch which does this via regex matching your PS1
mkdir -p ~/.config/terminator/plugins
cp remote.py ~/.config/terminator/plugins/
Start Terminator. In Right Click -> Preferences -> Plugins, enable Remote
Plugin section in ~/.config/terminator/config
# Automatically clone when you split a terminal with a remote session
auto_clone = False
# When a terminal with a remote session is cloned, attempt to parse the
# current working directory via the PS1 and 'cd' into it
infer_cwd = True
# Optional default profile for all SSH sessions
ssh_default_profile = common_ssh_profile
# Optional default profile for all container sessions
container_default_profile = common_docker_profile
# You can override above defaults by specifing a host with a profile key
# ex:
profile = foo_profile
To debug, start Terminator from another terminal emulator like so:
terminator -d --debug-classes Remote,SSHSession,ContainerSession,RemoteProcWatch -u
Adding support for future types of "Remote Sessions" can be easily added by
subclassing RemoteSession
and appending an instance to Remote.remote_session_types