The B4CKSP4CE Telegram Antispam Bot is designed to help manage and moderate Telegram chats by automatically detecting and handling spam messages. It uses a combination of predefined filters and AI-based analysis to ensure that your chat remains free from unwanted content. Bot using webhooks to receive messages from Telegram and OpenAI API to analyze messages
The bot uses a chain of spam filters to evaluate each incoming message. These filters can be simple rule-based checks or more complex AI-driven analyses. If a message is identified as spam, the bot can take actions such as deleting the message or banning the user
The following environment variables are used to configure the bot:
: API key for accessing OpenAI services.OPENAI_PROXY_URL
: Proxy URL for OpenAI requestsTELEGRAM_API_URL
: Token for authenticating the Telegram botWEBHOOK_PORT
: Port on which the webhook server will runCONFIG_FOLDER_PATH
: Path to the configuration files directorySWYNCA_API_KEY
: API key for accessing SwyncaTESSERACT_PATH
: Path to the tesseract executable (Optional, default: '/usr/bin/tesseract')TESSERACT_LANG
: Language code for tesseract OCR (Optional, default: 'rus')
For guidelines on how to contribute to this project, please see the file.