This repository contains configurations files I use to backup my home directory with Restic to a remote server over SFTP. Backups are made every hour.
The systemd unit file and a systemd timer should be placed in /etc/systemd/use
- restic-backup.service
- restic-backup.timer
The restic configuration, exclude and password file should be placed in $HOME/.config
- restic-backup.conf
- restic-exclude.txt
- restic-password.txt
Create user restic on your server and make sure you can login seamlessly with a SSH Key.
Install Restic.
Create a restic repository on your server.
restic -r backup init
Save the password in $HOME/.config/restic-password.txt.
Add files and directories you want to ignore isn $HOME/.config/restic-exclude.txt.
Reload systemd.
systemctl --user daemon-reload
I have created two aliases in my zshrc file to make browsing the backups easier.
- backup-snapshots - lists the restic snapshots.
- backup-mount - mounts the snapshots in /mnt/restic-backup.
alias backup-snapshots='restic -r sftp:REMOTE-SERVER.COM:/home/restic/backup snapshots --password-file=/home/USER/.config/restic-password.txt'
alias backup-mount='sudo chmod 777 /mnt/framework-backup && restic -r sftp:REMOTE-SERVER.COM:/home/restic/backup mount /mnt/restic-backup --password-file=/home/USER/.config/resticpassword.txt'