XrmToolBox plugin to help you to transfer records across organizations
Step 1: Make sure that the two environments have the same metadata setup, so that entities/attributes from source environment match target environment.
Step 2: Open this tool in XrmToolBox, and connect to source environment, then open this plugin (data transporter).
Step 3: In settings select what type of operations you want done. Create, update and delete are available. Both Update and Delete options will match records on primary key of selected entity.
Step 3: Select entity and what attributes you want copied. (This is a good time to drop data in attributes you no longer need or use)
Step 3: Do your mappings, user and currency are some common mappings that you will have to do. Mappings will be done on primary key.
Step 4: Do you filters, Do you really want all of your data, even all of your activities from 10 years ago? You can filter that here.
Step 5: Hit Transfer data (on top meny) to start the transfer. Now go get a cup of coffie and watch the tool do it's magic.