A text-based dungeon adventure game inspired by old school, classic text adventures.
To play, download the jar file and launch it via terminal (java -jar realZork.jar)
User inputs are entered as a sequence of 1-2 words.
Commands: go, look, take, back, help, quit
[] - denotes mandatory field, shown as variable
() - denotes optional field
| - denotes binary option ('or')
"" - denotes literal text
(go) "back"|[direction]- Takes you to another room, if available. For example, to go east, type "go east" or simply "east".
look ("room"|[item]) - gives description of the current room or an item in the room, if description is available.
take [item] - Adds item to inventory, if available in current room.
back - Takes you to previous room. -Alternatively, "go back"
help - Provides you with objective, command words, and current exits.
quit - ends the game