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Borderlands Sensitivity Changer

Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel have a minimum sensitivity value of 10, which can be frustrating when the minimum sensitivity is still too high. This program helps you easily change this value yourself lower than the minimum, or any value of your choosing.

How does it work?

Your mouse sensitivity, among other user settings, are stored somewhere in a file called profile.bin. This setting's location in profile.bin seems to vary from user to user, which is why it's not easy to simply ask the user to set the value themselves at a given offset. During the calculation, the tool asks you to set your mouse sensitivity to different values, calculates the hex offset of each of these values, and attempts to find where these offsets overlap. This offset is saved and used when you want to set your own custom mouse sensitivity, which can be any number between 1 - 255.



The Windows and Linux applications can be found in the releases of this repository.


Simply download the Windows application (named BLSensChanger-Windows-1-2-0.exe to any location and run it. Make sure you have run the game and have changed some settings at least once before launching.


Note that on Linux, this app will only work on the Windows version of the game running through Proton, and not the Linux-native port.

  1. Download the Linux application (named BLSensChanger-Linux-1-2-0).
  2. Using your terminal, cd into the folder your browser downloaded the file to (often cd ~/Downloads but this may vary).
  3. Run chmod +x ./BLSensChanger-Linux-1-2-0 to allow the file to become executable.
  4. Run ./BLSensChanger-Linux-1-2-0 to start the program. Make sure you have run the game and have changed some settings at least once before launching.


Which game are you changing sensitivity for?
1 - Borderlands 2
2 - Borderlands The Pre-Sequel

Type # and press enter: 1

Found latest profile.bin at D:\Paul\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\76561198045674442\profile.bin
Backing up profile.bin to profile.bin.bak

Please open your game, set your mouse sensitivity to 50, and exit to main menu.
Press enter once you are done.

Now set your mouse sensitivity to 75, and exit to main menu again.
Press enter once you are done.

Calculated successfully!

Current mouse sensitivity: 75
If your current sensitivity doesn't look right, try recalculating!

1 - Set mouse sensitivity
2 - Recalculate current sensitivity
Enter - Quit application

Type # and press enter: 1

Enter your new desired sensitivity (1-255): 2

Done! Restart the game, check the mouse settings, and enjoy your newly configured sensitivity.


The 'Uncapped Pause Menu Settings' mod for Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel allow you to fine-tune your sensitivity, as well as many other settings while in-game, although they require a hex-edit and some prior setup before use.



Python 3.10+

Install required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt


You can build the program into an executable with the command pyinstaller --onefile


This program is an improvement of a solution found on the Borderlands 2 Steam Community by Steam user Kaathan. Linux+Proton support by @JonLiuFYI.


A tool for editing mouse sensitivity for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel






