Releases: bitbank2/bb_spi_lcd
fixed LilyGo AMOLED 1.64 speed
More displays, more fixes
This release includes a lot of small fixes across the library as well as the addition of more named displays.
Fixes and support for more displays
This release fixes a few issues with the ellipse/circle functions, also allows large SPI writes on ESP32 and adds support for 2 more "CYD" displays: DISPLAY_CYD_8048 (4.3" 800x480 RGB Panel), and DISPLAY_CYD_518 (JC3636W518 360x360 1.8" round)
Added hardware scroll feature to C++ API
This release improves and adds hardware scrolling to the C++ API. Scrolling only occurs in the native display direction for these inexpensive LCDs. What that means is if you're using a ILI9341 in landscape mode and change the scroll value, it will scroll horizontally because that's the internal native memory direction of the device. Few inexpensive LCD displays are in landscape orientation.
Fixed Linux support & improved cyd_gif_example
This release fixes (again) support for building on Linux (RPI at least). It also improves the cyd_gif_example to work with both resistive and capacitive touch models of the "cheap-yellow-display"
round rect and font fix
This release adds support for rounded rectangles (outline and filled) along with a fix for Adafruit_GFX format fonts. The font structure used 8-bit signed values for font sizes and offsets. This caused problems with fonts larger than 90pt. By simply changing the structure members to 16-bit signed values, larger fonts can now be used.
Touch Sensor Fixes
This release improves the speed of reading the touch sensor and adds pre-configured pressure thresholds. It also fixes a minor bug with the QSPI CS pin.
QSPI displays
This release adds support for more named displays (pre-defined configurations) and QSPI support on the ESP32. This provides much higher speed output compared to 1-bit SPI.
Fixed typo in new example
2.4.4 Fixed example typo
More named displays and SPI buffer size fix
This release adds an additional named display - DISPLAY_CYD_35 (Cheap Yellow Display 3.5 inch 320x480).
Also I added a fix for SPI writes on the ESP32 which were larger than the maximum transaction size (4K). Now it breaks large writes into smaller chunks to fit within the system limit.