Entry REEdirect is an ExpressionEngine extension that allows you to control, on a per-weblog basis, where authors land after publishing or updating entries in the ExpressionEngine control panel.
For each weblog you have four redirect location options for both new entries and updated entries:
- Default Preview - EE's built-in success screen with ugly entry preview
- Publish Form - new entry screen for the same weblog you just published to
- Edit Entry - keep editing the entry you just published or updated
- Manage Entries - the Edit tab, filtered to display entries from the weblog you just published to
- Structure module - if the Structure module is installed, you can choose to redirect to the main Structure screen
In all cases the author will see a "success" message for their new entry or update, along with the entry's title and an "Edit this entry" link. This success message can optionally disappear after a specified length of time, and has a "close" link as well.
The Extension Settings screen offers optional one-click setting of all of your weblogs to the same option for both new entries and updated entries.
Entries submitted via SAEFs will be be unaffected by this extension.
Entry REEdirect requires jQuery for the Control Panel (loading jQuery 1.3 or newer), and has been tested with ExpressionEngine 1.6.8.