This is a trivial recipe to add Google Apps authentication via OpenID to an installation of sentry. Though sentry itself has adopted django-social-auth, social auth may be inconvenient to users using multiple Google Accounts, as the domain of an Apps account isn't checked until after the user goes through the OpenID workflow.
Instead, this recipe builds off of django-openid-auth and adieu's patched version of python-openid (as described at to make use of the hd query parameter to Google's OpenID implementation.
It should be sufficient to install this package using pip, which will pull in sentry and the requisite OpenID packages.
To start using OpenID Authorization, first ensure that all of the users on your sentry server have email addresses which correspond to those assigned to them in your Google Apps domain. Add the following to your sentry configuration file, and you're done:
LOGIN_URL = '/login/'
LOGOUT_URL = '/logout/'
ROOT_URLCONF = 'sentry_apps_openid_auth.urls'