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Migration Script

Brett Petch edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 4 revisions

A frequently asked question we get from customers is if we are able to move their data for them. At the time of writing, we don't officially support it, but it can be achieved using a script a community member has written.

When you run the script, you'll be presented a dialogue that looks like this. On the old machine, run move, it will create a file that details what was installed on the old slot, and move all files into the '$HOME/old' directory on the new slot. Using a screen window is highly recommended. This would look like screen -S migration then running the migration script from inside that window. After you think that the move is happening, use ctl-a, then ctl-d to disconnect from the screen session. You can check back in on it by doing screen -r migration and disconnect the same was as necessary.

Welcome to the HostingBy Migration Script
This script will inventory your current slot and copy the data for you.
While we do provide partial support, we are not responsible should the slot explode in some unpredictable way.
What do you like to do?

move = Run me on your old slot!
migrate = Run me on your new slot!
exit = Exits Installer

On the new slot, after your migration has completed, run migrate -- this will move the app configurations around and put things back the way they were. If anything goes wrong, there should be a backup of the original config, or you can restore any file from inside the old directory as it is a 1:1 copy of your old slot.

Do reach out in the appropriate Discord should you have issues. The script is considered to be in an open beta state.

You will need to move the actual data back into the home directory (IE your torrents and media directories) from the migration BEFORE running the migrate hook.

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