Attached you'll find a dataset of water consumption for a building. The important data that you have to consider for this exercise are "timestamp" and "pulse" (no need to look the other columns). In this case, 1 pulse = 10 litres and timestamp is UTC time.
With Shayp we want to identify in the signal different types of patterns to understand what are the different appliances and fixtures used by the building. In this case, we know that the building uses a water softener every Friday night between 1 and 2am (CET time).
- write an algorithm that will count the number of occurrences of water softener running over the course of the time of the dataset
- propose different approaches to detect the water softener signal on other datasets (knowing that the pattern of all water softeners are more or less always similar: continuous consumption with one peak at the start and one peak at the end)
For the exercise you can use the tools that you want. Just make sure to document how to run the code.
Share the project link (github, gitlab, etc.) or send me the project as a .zip file by e-mail before the interview. Don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions.