This is the material used in the workshop "Introduction to Julia for Python Scientists" at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) on the 10th of December of 2024.
The material found here is based on @carstenbauer's workshop at UCL on 2024. All credits belong to him for preparing such excelent notes.
git clone
Juliaup is a Julia version manager and the recommended way of installing Julia. You should follow the instructions in Julia's Manual > Installation, but I'm putting them here too for speed.
You can directly install it from the Windows store here, or can you can also install in by running the following command in a terminal:
winget install julia -s msstore
If you use Homebrew, then run
brew install juliaup
If not, you should install Homebrew can follow the Linux instructions.
If you use Ubuntu/Debian, don't install julia using apt
/ apt-get
They don't ship Juliaup but a really old version of Julia.
Run the following command in a terminal:
curl -fsSL | sh
VSCode is the recommended text editor for programming in Julia. You can code in other text editors / IDEs but the VSCode is the one with the best support and the one that we will be using in this workshop.
Go to and click install, or search for the same extension in the "Extensions" panel.
Finally, download the dependencies by running the following command in the terminal (previously having cd
ed into this folder).
julia --project=. setup.jl
- Official Manual's "Getting Started" section
- MIT's Introduction to Computational Thinking (Fall 2024)
- Very recommended!
- Has Image Processing, Data Science and Climate Science tracks
- Julia Academy
- Exercism
- From zero to Julia!