- Clone this repository to your local computer
- Open a terminal window and cd to the cloned repository
- Create a python virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Activate the python virtual environment:
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
There is a default configuration file 'default_config.py' that will allow the application to run by default but should be updated with more appropriate values in a production environment.
DEBUG = True
FLASK_ENV = 'development'
DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///item_catalog.db'
GOOGLE_SECRETS_FILE = './google_secrets.json'
- DEBUG should be changed to False in a production environment
- FLASK_ENV should be changed to production in a production environment
- SECRET_KEY should be overrided with a secure value
- OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT should be removed if this application is run in an HTTPS environment
Normaly the google_secrets.json file wouldn't be included in a git repository as it contains the secret key that this application uses to communicate with the Google authentication servers. It's included here for this demo so that it will run and allow Google OpenId login.
- Open a terminal window with the item-catalog project as the working directory.
- Set the FLASK_APP environment variable
- Activate the python virtual environment if not already active
- Run the development server
python -m flask run --no-debugger --no-reload --port 5005
- Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5005/
The following JSON API endpoints are available. Values in <> are dynamic and should be changed by the client application.
- /api/item/<item_id>
- e.g. /api/item/1
- Pulls back information on a specific item.
- /api/category/<category_name>
- eg. /api/category/Football
- /api/categories
- List of all categories. Note this doesn't pull back the items within the categories.
- Pulls back information on a specific category.
- /api/catalog
- The entire catalog of categories with their associated items.